Liste der HTML Befehle

October 7, 1995

Table of Contents



(all HTML documents should have these)
Document Type <HTML></HTML> (beginning and end of file) Title <TITLE></TITLE> (must be in header) Header <HEAD></HEAD> (descriptive info, such as title) Body <BODY></BODY> (bulk of the page)


(appearance controlled by the browser's preferences)
Heading <H?></H?> (the spec. defines 6 levels) 3.0 Align Heading <H? ALIGN=LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT></H?> 3.0 Division <DIV></DIV> 3.0 Align Division <DIV ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER|JUSTIFY></DIV> Block Quote <BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE> (usually indented) Emphasis <EM></EM> (usually displayed as italic) Strong Emphasis <STRONG></STRONG> (usually displayed as bold) Citation <CITE></CITE> (usually italics) Code <CODE></CODE> (for source code listings) Sample Output <SAMP></SAMP> Keyboard Input <KBD></KBD> Variable <VAR></VAR> Definition <DFN></DFN> (not widely implemented) Author's Address <ADDRESS></ADDRESS> 3.0 Large Font Size <BIG></BIG> 3.0 Small Font Size <SMALL></SMALL>


(author specifies text appearance)
Bold <B></B> Italic <I></I> 3.0 Underline <U></U> (not widely implemented yet) 3.0 Strikeout <S></S> (not widely implemented yet) 3.0 Subscript <SUB></SUB> 3.0 Superscript <SUP></SUP> Typewriter <TT></TT> (displays in a monospaced font) Preformatted <PRE></PRE> (display text spacing as-is) Width <PRE WIDTH=?></PRE> (in characters) N1.0+ Center <CENTER></CENTER> (for both text and images) N1.0 Blinking <BLINK></BLINK> (the most derided tag ever) N1.0 Font Size <FONT SIZE=?></FONT> (ranges from 1-7) N1.0 Change Font Size <FONT SIZE=+|-?></FONT> N1.0 Base Font Size <BASEFONT SIZE=?> (from 1-7; default is 3) N2.0 Font Color <FONT COLOR="#$$$$$$"></FONT>


Link Something <A HREF="URL"></A> Link to Target <A HREF="URL#***"></A> (if in another document) <A HREF="#***"></A> (if in current document) N2.0 Target Window <A HREF="URL" TARGET="***"></A> Define Target <A NAME="***"></A> Display Image <IMG SRC="URL"> Alignment <IMG SRC="URL" ALIGN=TOP|BOTTOM|MIDDLE> N1.0 Alignment <IMG SRC="URL" ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|TEXTTOP| ABSMIDDLE|BASELINE|ABSBOTTOM> Alternate <IMG SRC="URL" ALT="***"> (if image not displayed) Imagemap <IMG SRC="URL" ISMAP> (requires a script) N2.0 Imagemap <IMG SRC="URL" USEMAP="URL"> N2.0 Map <MAP NAME="***"></MAP> (describes the map) N2.0 Section <AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS=",,," HREF="URL"|NOHREF> 3.0 Dimensions <IMG SRC="URL" WIDTH="?" HEIGHT="?"> (in pixels) N1.0 Border <IMG SRC="URL" BORDER=?> (in pixels) N1.0 Runaround Space <IMG SRC="URL" HSPACE=? VSPACE=?> (in pixels) N1.0 Low-Res Proxy <IMG SRC="URL" LOWSRC="URL"> N1.1 Client Pull <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="?; URL=URL"> N2.0 Embed Object <EMBED SRC="URL"> (insert object into page) N2.0 Object Size <EMBED SRC="URL" WIDTH="?" HEIGHT="?">


Paragraph <P> (usually a double return) 3.0 Paragraph <P></P> (redefined as a container tag) 3.0 Align Text <P ALIGN=LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT></P> Line Break <BR> (a single carriage return) N1.0 Clear Textwrap <BR CLEAR=LEFT|RIGHT|ALL> Horizontal Rule <HR> N1.0 Alignment <HR ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER> N1.0 Thickness <HR SIZE=?> (in pixels) N1.0 Width <HR WIDTH=?> (in pixels) N1.0 Width Percent <HR WIDTH=%> (as a percentage of page width) N1.0 Solid Line <HR NOSHADE> (without the 3D cutout look) N1.0 No Break <NOBR><NOBR> (prevents line breaks) N1.0 Word Break <WBR> (where to break a line if needed)


(lists can be nested)
Unordered List <UL><LI></UL> (<LI> before each list item) N1.0 Bullet Type <UL TYPE=DISC|CIRCLE|SQUARE> (for the whole list) <LI TYPE=DISC|CIRCLE|SQUARE> (this & subsequent) Ordered List <OL><LI></OL> (<LI> before each list item) N1.0 Numbering Type <OL TYPE=A|a|I|i|1> (for the whole list) <LI TYPE=A|a|I|i|1> (this & subsequent) N1.0 Starting Number <OL VALUE=?> (for the whole list) <LI VALUE=?> (this & subsequent) Definition List <DL><DT><DD></DL> (<DT>=term, <DD>=definition) Menu List <MENU><LI></MENU> (<LI> before each list item) Directory List <DIR><LI></DIR> (<LI> before each list item)


3.0 Tiled Bkground <BODY BACKGROUND="URL"> N1.1+ Bkground Color <BODY BGCOLOR="#$$$$$$"> (order is red/green/blue) N1.1+ Text Color <BODY TEXT="#$$$$$$"> N1.1+ Link Color <BODY LINK="#$$$$$$"> N1.1+ Visited Link <BODY VLINK="#$$$$$$"> N1.1 Active Link <BODY ALINK="#$$$$$$"> (More info at <>)


(these must all be in lower case)
Special Character &#?; (where ? is the ISO 8859-1 code) < &lt; > &gt; & &amp; " &quot; Registered TM &#174; N1.0+ Registered TM &reg; Copyright &#169; N1.0+ Copyright &copy; (Complete list at <>)


(generally require a script on your server)
Define Form <FORM ACTION="URL" METHOD=GET|POST></FORM> N2.0 File Upload <FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data></FORM> Input Field <INPUT TYPE="TEXT|PASSWORD|CHECKBOX|RADIO| IMAGE|HIDDEN|SUBMIT|RESET"> Field Name <INPUT NAME="***"> Field Value <INPUT VALUE="***"> Checked? <INPUT CHECKED> (checkboxes and radio boxes) Field Size <INPUT SIZE=?> (in characters) Max Length <INPUT MAXLENGTH=?> (in characters) Selection List <SELECT></SELECT> Name of List <SELECT NAME="***"></SELECT> # of Options <SELECT SIZE=?></SELECT> Multiple Choice <SELECT MULTIPLE> (can select more than one) Option <OPTION> (items that can be selected) Default Option <OPTION SELECTED> Input Box Size <TEXTAREA ROWS=? COLS=?></TEXTAREA> Name of Box <TEXTAREA NAME="***"></TEXTAREA> N2.0 Wrap Text <TEXTAREA WRAP=OFF|VIRTUAL|PHYSICAL></TEXTAREA>


3.0 Define Table <TABLE></TABLE> 3.0 Table Border <TABLE BORDER></TABLE> (either on or off) N1.1 Table Border <TABLE BORDER=?></TABLE> (you can set the value) N1.1 Cell Spacing <TABLE CELLSPACING=?> N1.1 Cell Padding <TABLE CELLPADDING=?> N1.1 Desired Width <TABLE WIDTH=?> (in pixels) N1.1 Width Percent <TABLE WIDTH=%> (percentage of page) 3.0 Table Row <TR></TR> 3.0 Alignment <TR ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER VALIGN=TOP|MIDDLE|BOTTOM> 3.0 Table Cell <TD></TD> (must appear within table rows) 3.0 Alignment <TD ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER VALIGN=TOP|MIDDLE|BOTTOM> 3.0 No linebreaks <TD NOWRAP> 3.0 Columns to Span <TD COLSPAN=?> 3.0 Rows to Span <TD ROWSPAN=?> N1.1 Desired Width <TD WIDTH=?> (in pixels) N1.1 Width Percent <TD WIDTH=%> (percentage of table) 3.0 Table Header <TH></TH> (same as data, except bold centered) 3.0 Alignment <TH ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER VALIGN=TOP|MIDDLE|BOTTOM> 3.0 No Linebreaks <TH NOWRAP> 3.0 Columns to Span <TH COLSPAN=?> 3.0 Rows to Span <TH ROWSPAN=?> N1.1 Desired Width <TH WIDTH=?> (in pixels) N1.1 Width Percent <TH WIDTH=%> (percentage of table) 3.0 Table Caption <CAPTION></CAPTION> 3.0 Alignment <CAPTION ALIGN=TOP|BOTTOM> (above/below table)


(define and manipulate specific regions of the screen)
N2.0 Frame Document <FRAMESET></FRAMESET> (instead of <BODY>) N2.0 Row Heights <FRAMESET ROWS=,,,></FRAMESET> (pixels or %) N2.0 Row Heights <FRAMESET ROWS=*></FRAMESET> (* = relative size) N2.0 Column Widths <FRAMESET COLS=,,,></FRAMESET> (pixels or %) N2.0 Column Widths <FRAMESET COLS=*></FRAMESET> (* = relative size) N2.0 Define Frame <FRAME> (contents of an individual frame) N2.0 Display Document <FRAME SRC="URL"> N2.0 Frame Name <FRAME NAME="***"|_blank|_self|_parent|_top> N2.0 Margin Width <FRAME MARGINWIDTH=?> (left and right margins) N2.0 Margin Height <FRAME MARGINHEIGHT=?> (top and bottom margins) N2.0 Scrollbar? <FRAME SCROLLING="YES|NO|AUTO"> N2.0 Not Resizable <FRAME NORESIZE> N2.0 Unframed Content <NOFRAMES></NOFRAMES> (for non-frames browsers)


Comment <!-- *** --> (not displayed by the browser) Prologue <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> 3.0 Prologue <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3O//DTD W3 HTML 3.0//EN"> Searchable <ISINDEX> (indicates a searchable index) N1.0 Prompt <ISINDEX PROMPT="***"> (text to prompt input) Send Search <A HREF="URL?***"></a> (use a real question mark) URL of This File <BASE HREF="URL"> (must be in header) N2.0 Base Window Name <BASE TARGET="***">(must be in header) Relationship <LINK REV="***" REL="***" HREF="URL"> (in header) Meta Information <META> (must be in header)



MARKUS KAISER Erstellt: 2 8 . 1 1 . 9 5 Updated: 1 3 . 1 1 . 9 6
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